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5 shopping mistakes to avoid this Cyber Monday
With Cyber Monday around the corner, there’s no limit to the excitement of the shoppers. As this is a once-in-a-year opportunity to shop, some may get over-excited and make shopping-related blunders. For many, the shopping spree extends through the weekend. During the process, customers often slip up on their road to savings, leading to impulse purchases and financial debt. To prevent that, here are five Cyber Monday mistakes to avoid this holiday season: Not preparing a shopping list During the sale period, one can get overwhelmed and yield worse results. Before heading out to shop, it is advisable to make a purchase list as per the priority. This is the time when online retailers turn aggressive in terms of their messaging to gain maximum traffic. Consumers may get excited looking at those massive offers and deals and make unnecessary purchases. To avoid such a situation, make a list of necessary items and the potential recipients of gifts. Chalk out a budget, and with every click on “Place Order,” tick off the corresponding recipients or things from the list. Not exploring the pre-sale prices As with any other sale, retailers during Cyber Monday come with high and lofty offers like 90 percent off, or 75 percent off, and the like.
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