4 worst foods for teeth
The foods we eat play a significant role not just in maintaining our physical health but also our oral health. There are several foods that act as natural mouth cleansers, while others are a big no no for oral health. These are foods that can cause tooth decay, leading to cavities and other such issues. It is important to know which foods to avoid to eliminate the risk of tooth decay. Bread This is a staple in a lot of cuisines. While bread tastes delicious, it is also something that affects teeth health. As it turns into a chewy substance inside the mouth, the bread crumbs can easily get attached to the crevices in the teeth. This can lead to build up and potential tooth complications. Carbonated drinks Drinking carbonated sugary drinks is never a good idea. The bacteria in the mouth feed on the high amount of sugar present in them. This can result in tooth decay and other oral hygiene issues. Drinking too much soda coats the teeth in acid, which affects the tooth enamel, leading to its decay. Carbonated drinks also causes your mouth to dry. This leads to lower saliva levels, which could result in tooth decay.
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